Element Consulting and

Element Consulting has a unique understanding of the Matrix protocol and unmatched experience with large-scale Matrix-based deployments.
It is led by the team that developed the Matrix open standard.

Strategy and technical architecture

Element Consulting provides strategic and technical planning for federated global, regional and national Matrix-based platforms. 

We advise our large on-premise and cloud customers on Matrix-based architecture, Synapse server configurations, integrations, technical standards, moderation and compliance.

Mobile app building and maintenance.

Element Consulting builds bespoke Matrix-based mobile apps for large-scale and nationwide deployments. 

Building from the open source Element app allows for bespoke functionality and branding, as well as speeding delivery times. 

Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines ensure on-going innovation.

Custom development and features.

Element Consulting offers custom feature development, and bespoke versions, of the Element app.

Custom development can be shared back with the community or be closed source. 

Our consulting clients range from large enterprises and huge global communities, through to national government, multi-government and global non-governmental organisations.

Want to learn more about Element Consulting?

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Trusted by the world’s most secure organisations.


Element partners with the French government to support 300K users.


Element works with Dataport to support 500K users across the states of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein.

Mozilla uses Element for secure team collaboration and community discussion.

Texas Division of Emergency Management

Element delivers communications for disaster recovery situations.


Germany's Bundeswehr use Element for secure communications

University of Innsbruck
Element is used for safe, inclusive communications.

Matrix is an open network for secure, decentralised communication, connecting 42M+ users over 80K+ deployments.

Governed by The Matrix.org Foundation, the Matrix protocol is an open standard with open source implementations, supporting a vibrant developer ecosystem. Element was founded by the team behind Matrix as a way to bring it to the mainstream.

Open source

Element is incredibly proud to build in the open, sharing almost all of our own code with everyone.