Why Element Home?

Fast performance, five user accounts and a home to call your own! From just $10 per month.

Available on the Apple App StoreAvailable on AndroidAvailable on WindowsAvailable on Linux

Fast performance

Host with us for a fast, fully managed service.

Make it your own

Choose your own Element subdomain name, and IDs.

Five accounts in one

Give user accounts to family and friends.

Easy to set up, or upgrade

Get started quickly. If upgrading, easily migrate your existing profile, rooms, history and settings.

Simple data ownership

Complete ownership of your data, without self-hosting hassle.

Always up to date

A professionally run, dedicated server keeps you extra-secure.

Gain speed, lose nothing.

With the added power and performance of a dedicated and fully managed server. No hosting it yourself, or using a free public server.

Personalise your experience.

Element Home allows you to create a unique home with its own memorable user IDs. Perfect for standing out from the crowd and showing who you are!

Share your home with family and friends.

Invite up to four other people to enjoy the benefits of fast, pro-privacy and secure communication. Want to invite more people? Just add more seats to your Element Home!

Compare Element to Element Home.

Element Home gives you five user accounts, a customisable Element subdomain and matching IDs. And it’s all supported by a fully managed homeserver for fast performance.

Frequently Asked Questions.

What is Element Home?

Element Home is the Element app, but made faster by hosting it with us rather than a typical free public server. You get a fully managed, dedicated server and five accounts.

How is it better than free Element?

A fully managed, dedicated server means you'll have your own home on Matrix with faster performance. You can also personalise your Element subdomain and IDs for five people.

Why are public servers not as fast?

Free public servers are great, but they typically support huge numbers of people. Element Home gives you a dedicated server which gives you more priority.

What is a personalised domain?

Element Home has a dedicated Element server. You can name it, and create your IDs. So @firstname:surname.ems.host can be yours for you and your family.

Element Home vs Element Cloud?

Element Home is for family and friends. It's quick and easy. Element Cloud is more for the workplace, gives more admin flexibility and needs more tech knowledge.

How do I invite others to my home?

This can be done as you set up your home, or by going to the "invite friends" option from the "create chat" menu on mobile devices.

Matrix is an open network for secure, decentralised communication, connecting 42M+ users over 80K+ deployments.

Governed by The Matrix.org Foundation, the Matrix protocol is an open standard with open source implementations, supporting a vibrant developer ecosystem. Element was founded by the team behind Matrix as a way to bring it to the mainstream.

Open source

Element is incredibly proud to build in the open, sharing almost all of our own code with everyone.